Connect With Procaffeination

It’s a modern world and we use the web to communicate. Here are some easy ways to keep up to date with the goings-on at Procafffeination.


The best way to keep up to date with the happenings at Procaffeination HQ is by joining Procaffeination Nation – really just signing up for our email list. You will be the first to know when the book is ready to be purchased and you will most assuredly get a discount!


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Since it is the 21st Century, of course, we have a Facebook page! The main page is mostly business – announcements, things for sale… you know, that sort of thing. For the real fun, like “Coffee in the News” stories, memes, and animated gifs, join up with our Facebook group:

Procaffeination: ☕☕Coffee Conversation, Wasting Time & Fun Facts ☕. And unlike some groups, everybody is nice!


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Not only do I post pins and infographics of my own but I share others that I find from time to time. Check it out!


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If I ever figure out how to use twitter, this is where the link will be!


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There’s nothing there at the moment but I am getting ready to start a regular schedule of video postings. See, that’s another reason to sign up for the email list!